I was tapping my fingers impatiently at work, T was moments away from having a nervous breakdown because he seems to believe that he has the "worst luck in the world", P sneaked out of his electronics lecture and sat on the katta in his college, while his feet just refused to keep still and A had some Space Cat plugged in. All positions were assumed. We were ready to do some serious clicking.
The minute our laptops showed 12.00pm, there were multiple "YEAAAAHHHs" (Sparta style) heard. What caused us to react this way, you ask? The early bird passes were sold out in 22 minutes last year! You heard right, twenty-two! We had no time to waste. This was war!
Both A and P were the first few to get them. 12.03pm, they smugly called to say. We all heaved a sigh of relief. T, on the other hand was furiously banging his laptop keys because his transaction had failed. Very soon he was running around asking everyone around him for a debit card chanting "FML" with every step. After flashing his signature puppy dog eyes, and still not having a solution, he finally decided to resign to his fate. Waterworks would follow suit any second.
Until A told him that we got him tickets. Everyone at work got a free hug yesterday. Something, that T doesn't exactly like to do.
They're finally sold out now. One step closer to getting Sunburnt!
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